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All Is Right With The World,
is my 2021 album release.
This lyric video of the entire album,
narrates the thoughts behind each song.
Doing Usual Things Unusually Well
This is a song about self improvement.
Watch the lyric video here.
TNT Is – Truth Not Told
This song is about bad business deals we experience from time to time. Watch it here.
On My Way
is my release for September.
A song about moving forward with what we have.
Set Yourself Free
This song is about things that hang us up in life.
Watch the lyric video here.
One Thing Leads To Another
July 2021 is our 47th anniversary, and is some thing to celebrate !
I wrote this song to mark the moment .
Coffee Conversation
This song was written about having coffee with someone, learning more about them, and developing a better relationship.
Watch the video here.
Stand Up and Try Again
I wrote this song thinking about being unemployed, and how tough is can be to land a new job.
See the video here
Grow Some Food
At a Rotary club a few years ago, a member went on an international trip ( I think it was to the Phillipines ), where they were working at an orphanage. The kids were taught to grow food in anything they could, even a plastic water bottle.
That idea stuck with me, and I decided to write a song about it, when we planted our own garden. See the video here.
All is Right With The World – “The Happy Song”
All is Right With The World, is an original song I wrote to recognize the rare times in my life, when I felt very happy, and at one with the world.
The Natural Order of Things
Richard plays ukulele and is a singer songwriter, from BC Canada.
He and his wife have been married for 45+ years and had a son and a daughter. In 1991, at age 15 their son Nathan died from a short term illness.
The Natural Order of Things is a about how un-natural it is to bury your child, and how the natural order of life has been broken.
The grief that follows the death of a child is one of the largest stressors that a family can live through. Following the death of their son, Richard and his wife attended a grief support group for bereaved parents called The Compassionate Friends (TCF). The group can be found in many countries of the world.
TCF Canada – National Website –