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Online Purchasing I can say that I am making more purchases online as time goes on. It is a convenience that many of us appreciate.
Online Purchasing I can say that I am making more purchases online as time goes on. It is a convenience that many of us appreciate.
Speak Well As a young businessman, I needed to speak to people everyday, and occasionally do public speaking, I knew I needed to be able
A World of Convenience We now live in a world where we can pay for convenience. Like I’ll order a pizza instead of cooking dinner.
Hearing is one of our senses. Most of us take it for granted. We use our ears everyday in conversation. For musicians hearing is the
Doobie Brothers 50th Anniversary Concert I recently watched the Doobie Brothers 50th Anniversary concert recorded at Radio City Music Hall. Michael McDonald joined them and
From Chords to Songs After you can play a few chords, and have learned a number of easy ukulele songs, you will start to think
After starting the Mission Ukulele Circle in Mission, BC, a member who was a long time player, asked me to go to an ukulele educational
2022 Covid After almost two years of covid restrictions, wearing masks and staying distant, we had weathered the worst of the covid pandemic. We did
12,000 Video Views My original song, Birthday 65 is my most watched YouTube video with over 12000 views ! You never know when you post
I have been listening to music and making music since I was age 11, when I started playing drums. As we get older, we relive
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