My 66th Birthday



Milestone of Birthday 65

I turn 66 today, and the world is in a state of social distancing, due to the Covid-19 virus. We are not able to go out for dinner tonight, or even have friends over, so it will be a birthday like no other.

This will not be the most memorable birthday I have had, but I have lived long enough to know that life is always changing for better or worse, and you have to adapt to it and go on.

Overall life is great !

I remember when my Dad retired, I heard a professor say that “overall, seniors today are unique because they are retiring at younger ages, in better health, and with more wealth, that at any time in recent history.”

That seems to be true from what I know of my family. My Dad’s standard of retirement living appeared to be higher than the two generations before him.

Last year, close to my 65th birthday, I wrote a song titled Birthday 65. I have now made a lyric video of it and you can watch it as this link –

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Happy Birthday !

Happy birthday to everyone having a birthday today, espeically those turning age 65 !