Bring On Another Thou 2

Song Background for – 

Bring On Another Thou (thousand)

In 1997, after having sold our Insurance Agency, we had moved from Winnipeg, MB to Victoria, BC and we both continued to work for insurance brokers there.

One day a fellow came in and wanted to insure his boat. I said, sure and we sat down to discuss it. I told him I was knew to Victoria, and had not insured a lot of boats back in MB.

Bring On Another Thou (thousand)

He asked me, “You know what BOAT stands for don’t you ?”

I said no.

He said “Bring On Another Thou !”, as in thousand. I laughed.

He went on to say that the two happiest days of a boater’s life are –

the day he buys the boat and the day he sells the boat.

And I could understand that.

The BOAT Song

It was a saying that I always remembered, and now 27 years later, I have written a song using that phrase as the title and main line in the chorus.

The song is about a guy who wants a boat, and buys a boat. And like a lot of things in life, there is more to it than expected.

He loves sailing on the ocean, being in the sunshine. But then the repairs cost him a lot of money.

He loves the sailing life, and the memories are Wow.

Because he loves sailing, He continues to find a way to somehow, bring on another thou.

For him, to “keep his boat afloat” is worth every dime !

That’s Relate-able

I think many of us have the same feeling about other areas of life, where we stretch our finances to do something that we love.

Big Stretches

I remember a few times in my life when I have stretched financially to get to a new place.

I think the biggest stretch, and maybe I could call it a gamble, was opening my Mom and Pop insurance business in a commercial location.

I remember signing a five year lease with the landlord. It was twenty pages of, I do everything for him, and he does nothing for me.

We worked hard to build the business up, in a new location across town, from where we had been. We did newsletters, hired part time people to help with marketing, and got sued by an ex-employee, who was not successful in court.

There was a lot more things to learn in the business world than I had envisioned. But once in the game, you have to continue and learn the ropes and deal with the issues.

In the end, things turned out fine, and we sold the business six years later, and moved to the Victoria, which is where this article began.

Listen to the audio of the song – Bring On Another Thou .

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