Music Industry Stats

Music Industry Stats

I have been getting emails from Chartmetric for about a year. All I know about them, is they gather statistics about music.

Then I get an email with a PDF download titled, Chartmetric A Year In Music for 2023. This is the first time they have sent this out.

The index page says Advancing Music With The Power of Data, and they have chapters on Artists, Genres, Tracks, Platforms, Trends.

As I start to read thru this report, I have impressed with the new info and data it provides.


They report that they have 9,000,000 artists now in their system. This is up 1,300,000 artists from the previous year. That is an average daily increase in artists of 3642 in the year ! That is a lot of new artists.

The top 3 countries playing music are the US, Brazil, India, in that order.

Artists are 66% solo, and 34% groups.

Career Stage Distribution

They break artists into the following categories – Undiscovered, Developing, Mid Level, Superstart, and Legendary.

They say that 12.3% of undiscovered artists made it to the Developing category, and only .5% made it to the Mid level category with in the year. Sounds like pretty tough odds.

The Top 100 Artists come from 17 different countries, and are 52% male and 36% female, and 12% are groups.


Chartmetric has over 103,000,000 tracks in their library, with over 7,500,000 tracks put out in 2023.

Spotify has over 65,800,000,000 listeners. Their stats say that 80% of artists have less than 1000 listeners.

Spotify’s – Track Monetization Eligibility

As of April 2024, Spotify will only pay artists if the song has over 1000 plays in the last year. With 80% of artist having less than 1000 listeners, it sounds like 80% of artists are making Nothing from Spotify ! See link to this article below.


Radio across the world played only 7,375,000 tracks.


Youtube had over 10,385,000, videos put up by artists during 2023. This garnered 11,000,000,000 new views, and 26,000,000,000 new subscribers.

Artists have uploaded over 870 years worth of music !

Instagram, YT, Tiktok

Pop genre makes up 31% of radio plays, followed by rock at 8.8%, and country at 8.7% .

Top Genres

Pop – 24%, followed by latin – 23%, alternative – 13%, R&B-11%, HipHop-10%,

The artist make-up of the genres, does not match what people are listening to.

Not The Best of Times

It’s not the best of times for music artists.

See the full Chartmetric report at the links below.

Spotify’s – Track Monetization Eligibility