Our 50th Anniversary,

will be on July 14/24 ! 

To mark the  moment, I decided a few months ago, to write a song about our life.

Our First Roadtrip

The picture above was our first road trip from Winnipeg to Vancouver in my first car, a 1963 Jaguar Mark 2.  It ran me into the ground with repairs, but was a fun car to drive.  

I was drumming in a band, and had a gig a Oil Can Harry’s.   I had never been to Vancouver, having lived my whole life in Winnipeg. 

We drove straight thru, sleeping a few hours in the car.   

It was early morning as we drove Hwy #1 West into Vancouver.  

How Big is Big ? 

I saw signs like 260th Street, and yet could not see any neighborhoods.  

This did not make sense to me, so I took an exit and finally got into a neighborhood.  It was about 6 am and I saw a guy standing at a bus stop. 

I stopped and asked him, “Do you know where Oil can Harry’s Is ? ”  

He thought for a moment and asked, “That’s in Vancouver isn’t it ? ”   I said yes.  

I said “get back on the freeway and go about 20 miles ! ” 

I instantly learned how big Vancouver was.  

Watch the video or listen to the audio below. 

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