Self Employed
I was a self employed person for the majority of my working career.
I started out as a commissioned life insurance salesman. I think expanded to selling General Insurance, which included house and business insurance. A few years alter I obtained a real estate brokers license and added real estate to my portfolio.
Woke up Unemployed Everyday
In the early days, I woke up everyday unemployed, as I had to go out in the world and earn a commission.
Office And Salespeople
A few years later I leased a retail office space and hired a few commissioned sales people.
Self Employed Thinking
Being Self Employed for over thirty years gave me a way of thinking, that made it’s way into my songwriting.
Self Employed Songs
Below are 7 of my songs that talk about some aspect of being self employed.
Take a listen on the Spotify Preview ( which only plays about a minutes of each song ) or watch the videos for each song below.
The Self Employed Playlist Videos