Ukulele Tutorials

Ukulele Circle Leader Since 2014

Since 2014, Richard has started and lead a couple of local ukulele circle groups, with a participation of forty members weekly.

From that experience, he is creating Ukulele Tutorials that will assist those learning how to play and sing.   These tutorials  allow ukulele  players to learn at their own pace and on their own time.

Ukulele Chord Note Melodies 

Learn a simple and effective way to start to create melodies and riffs using the notes of the chord you are already playing.

7 Beginner Ukulele Strums

Learn how to count music and add strums to it.

Get a free PDF file of the strums and the song here.

Ukulele Muted Strums

An example of using more muted strums than unmuted strums.  This brings up new way of playing.

One String Harmony Tutorial 

When we strum any chord, there are 4 notes we can sing. Learning to sing harmony, is learning how to sing these chord notes that are the basis for the song. This technique is useful when a melody is too high or too low for your voice. Pick one string on your ukulele, that you can sing to comfortably. The notes generated on that one string, are the notes that you sing.  View here.

Ukulele Movable Chords

Ukulele Movable Chords 

The first chords we learned showed fingering patterns that can be used as Movable Chords that can be played up the neck, where most of us have a lot of unused real estate.

View – Movable Chords 

Playing Up The Neck 

This tutorial is for those who have been playing ukulele for a while and feel it is time to make some incremental improvements, using the real estate up the neck of the ukulele.

View – Playing Up The Neck 

Playing Up The Neck

4 Ways To Play Feeling Groovy

4 Ways To Play – Feeling Groovy

This tutorial shows 2 different strum patterns and 2 different picking methods.

Get a PDF copy of this lesson here. 

Chord Scales – Ukulele Tutorial

This tutorial will help you understand the basics of the chord scale. You can use it to write your own chord progressions for writing your own songs or instrumentals.

View Chord Scales. 

Get a PDF copy of the lesson here. 

Chord Scales Tutorial

Palm Mute Strum

The Palm Mute Strum – Ukulele Tutorial 

This strum is a muting of the strings that takes away the longer sustained sound that is normally made.   This strum can be used in the verses of a song, to add some variety to your ukulele playing.   View  The Palm Mute Strum

Get the PDF song info here

Learn the Syncopated Strum 

Get your ukulele and strum along, as Richard walks you thru a handful of strumming exercises from simple to more complex.   The end result is to get to play the Syncopated Strum.  Watch it here. 

Get the PDF song info here. 

Syncopated Strum

The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Playing The Lion Sleeps Tonight – 

This 6:30 minute ukulele tutorial shows some basic ukulele strums – whole note strum, shuffle strum and an end of phrase fill.   Watch it here

Get the PDF song info here.