2024 Half Way 


2024 is 6 months gone and 6 months still to go.  It’s been a good year of original song writing and releases.  I’ve released 4 songs, as of the end of July. 

I’d like to think it is an auspicious year.   I had my 70th birthday in March, and Aline and I  celebrated our 50th anniversary in July ! 

Being a songwriter, I wrote songs about both these life events.   

69 Trips Around The Sun is a song about the world events that have happened in my lifetime.   Our Journey In Time is a song about our 50 years together and celebrating our 50th Anniversary. 

Spotify Preview

Check out the Spotify Preview below.  The preview plays about a minute of each song.  

If you have a streaming music service, listen and subscribe to my music there.   

YouTube Videos

of the songs above are shown below. 

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