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2024 Original Songs To Date

Menu Home Ukulele Merritt Ukulele Resources Ukulele Tutorials Cover Songs Albums 2024 Releases They’re Not Making Land Anymore The Older I Got All Is Right

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Grief Songs

The following songs are original songs released on my albums over the last few years. Grief Songs Playlist We all listen to m usic, but

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Album Audio Preview

They’re Not Making Land Anymore Album Audio Preview  The media player below will allow you to listen to a minute or so of  this 10

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Storytelling Through Music

Storytelling Through Music This article appeared in the Merritt Herald on Jan.4/24 Laisa Conde – REPORTER@MERRITTHERALD.COM In a musical landscape dominated by love ballads and

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Mission Ukulele – Videos

The videos below are from Richard’s  time leading the group from 2013 to 2019. Original SongsUkulele InspirationsUkulele TutorialsThoughts On Life Blog Previous slide

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Your Finest Musical Hour

The longer you play your instrument, in my case the ukulele, the more chances will come that there will be an important event to play

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What’s My Genre ?

I have been a musician since I was thirteen years old. I was a typical teenager growing up in central Canada, listening to the radio

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Richard Lepinsky Music
The phrase is simple and the words are few,
but behind them is a whole lot of appreciation.
Thank You’s from the Mission Ukulele Circle

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