Stories Behind The Songs

There are stories behind songs that songwriters write. Some songs may be the result of life experiences, and some may be observations of situations in society.

A Film Behind The Song ?

If there is a story behind the song, maybe there is a film that could develop from the song ? I heard a filmmaker say, a whole film idea can come from a song ! With that in mind, I put together a Spotify Preview Playlist titled – Filmmakers Song Ideas that could inspire a film. Take a listen !

My Thoughts About These Songs

Balance In Life

Having a balanced life seems important to me. Each phase of life, our own desires and daily stresses of life, can cause us to be out of balance. Being out of balance for a long time, can cause negative consequences on our life. Each verse of the song the lyrics talk about physical balance, financial balance, and emotional balance.

Can’t Back Me Into A Corner

I was self employed for the majority of my career. It is a path that requires self discipline. This song is for all self employed people and small business owners.

Not In My Backyard – NIMBY

There are many NIMBY issues that we can be opposed to. Maybe you are opposed to have a commercial building being built across the street from you, or a center for homeless people being opened in your neighborhood. Things song refers these kinds of things.

69 Trips Around The Sun

I wrote this song when I was 69 years old. The lyrics talk about the major world events that have happened during baby boomers lives.

Bring On Another Thou

I customer came in to insure his boat. I had just moved from prairies to Victoria, BC. He asked “Do you know what boat stands for ?” I said no ! He said – Bring On Another Thou.

The Older I got The Wiser Dad Seemed To Be

This is a song about my Dad’s advice to me, when I was a young man, and we did not listen. I think we can all relate to that.

Memories Rolling Down My Cheeks

This is a grief song for anyone who has experienced grief from the death of a loved one.

Life’s A Big Compromise

I heard this saying many years ago and it stuck in my mind. I decided to write a song about it.

Every Form of Refuge

The lyrics of this song talk about the trade offs we make in life, with the thought that doing with less will allow us to live with less stress and enjoy living a better life.

Giant Shade Trees

This song is about the Pay It Forward concept. It talks about how one generation does something that will benefit the next generation.

Doing Usual Things Unusually Well

This is a song about self improvement.

Change Your Mind

Most of us have known people, maybe even ourselves, who should make changes in their life like – stop smoking, start exercising, eat better. This song talks about changing your mind.

All is Right With The World

All is Right With The World, is an original song I wrote to recognize the rare times in my life, when I felt very happy, and at one with the world.

Occupation Song

Being part of the baby boomer generation, I feel we moved into jobs, family life, and buying a house quite easily.

I see that road being tougher for young people making their start today. I was playing with words that end with “tion” and ended up making a somewhat humorous, story song.

They’re Not Making Land Anymore

This is a song about how hard it is for young families to buy a home, in today market.

Skin In The Game

This song is about Risk and Reward.

When I was a growing up, I learned about risk and reward through experience.

From where I sit, the goal seems to be to have the knowledge of risks and rewards before you have to make a big decision.

This song talks about having too much risk, and having too little risk.

You’re The Change You Seek

This song was inspired by the speeches of President Obama. He is a gifted orator, and has given a number of inspiring speeches that live on. The theme of the song is lifting yourself up by the boot straps.

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