Giant Shade Trees Song

Giant Shade Trees – Song Background

The song Giant Shade Trees is a song about what previous generations have left to us.  Innovation changes our society over time, and makes our lives better.

2nd Generation Results

But not all changes can be done quickly, some are on a much longer time frame. The song Giant Shade Trees was written thinking about accomplishments that one generation has done, but may not have benefited from. It may be the next generation that will enjoy the benefit of the previous generations work, like shade from giant shade trees.

My Dad said to me, that he wanted me to have a better life than he did. And I felt that way about our kids too. We can help our kids to a point, but ultimately they have to make their own way in the world.

Improved Over Time

I have thought about how many engineers worked on putting together a safe car, that we drive most everyday. They’ve spent years of work improving and perfecting different parts of the car, many that we are not even aware of, as we drive each day.

But the safety of today’s cars in better than it was for my Dad’s car twenty years ago. And maybe you can enjoy the shade of the trees that your grandpa planted many years ago. Maybe he never got to enjoy that.

Pay It Forward Day

Apparently Pay It Forward Day is April 30th, yesterday. I discovered this list of – 50 Easy Pay It Forward Day Kindness Ideas at this link .

Some great ideas here.

If we pay enough forward, does that get us closer to the society we want ? I think it does.

Listen to the lyric video of Giant Shade Trees here.