The following songs are original songs released

on my albums over the last few years.

Grief Songs Playlist

We all listen to m usic, but maybe not music about grief. This song writer has experienced deep personal grief, and has written original music to express his feelings.

Grief songs may not rank as high as popular songs, but like all musical niches there is a place for it. So take a listen to this music play list, and see what you think.

It’s part of a bc songs collection from a song writer who lives in BC. There’s no music videos on this playlist.

Death Of A Child

In 1991, our 15 year old son Nathan died of an illness. Since then grief has been a part of our lives. I think we have recovered well, although there is nothing to compare it to.

Writing songs about grief since 91 has been in my mind, and I have released a grief song on each of my last 3 albums.

Song titles are – Memories Roll Down My Cheeks, Natural Order of Things, and Between

Memories Roll Down My Cheeks

You probably don’t hear many up-tempo grief songs, but this is one of them.

I took a rhythmic drum pattern and applied bass and riff notes to it, which created a major part of the music track.

The lyrics describe the feeling of being tossed on the ocean and you have no control, which is a feeling of grief that sometimes in the early days, can not be controlled.

Natural Order of Things

The lyrics in the chorus talk about death in the larger context of generations –

What is the meaning of life, grand father dies, father dies, son dies,

That is the Natural Order of Things

Lyrics in one of the verses talks about the difference between deaths.

Loose your parent you loose your past

Loose your spouse you loose your present

Loose your child and you loose your future

Each take a toll on your soul


This song I wrote specifically about the death of my son, a number of years ago. It is music for my son. I thought I wanted to improve it, but over time, decided it was fine as it was, so released it on my latest album They’re Not Making Land Anymore.

Each of these songs could be called a heart song. I’ve tried to make these songs a heartfelt meditation on grief, a sonic tapestry that resonates with anyone who has experienced the profound ache of losing someone dear.

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Richard Lepinsky


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