Where Will Your Ukulele Take You This Year ?

After starting the Mission Ukulele Circle in Mission, BC, a member who was a long time player, asked me to go to an ukulele educational session with Ralph Shaw in Vancouver one night, which was very enjoyable.

Later he got me to go to the White Rock Ukulele Club, which met once a month, and had big meetings of a hundred people or so.

Later, we attended an evening with the somewhat world famous, Langley Ukulele Ensemble, which was a real treat.


Travel With Your Ukulele

A retired Mission ukulele member who travels south in the winter, found an ukulele group to play with when he is there.

A few members of the Merritt group went to the Kamloops Ukulele Conference last summer. They had a great time and learned lots. There are looking to attend again in 2023.


The Kamloops Summer Ukulele Festival 2023 is being held June 15 to 18 at the Sorrento Center. You can register in Feb. 2023.


I am aware of ukulele groups in Penticton and Vernon too.

The Oldest Ukulele Group In Canada

Ralph Shaw is Vancouver’s “King of The Ukulele”. He started the Vancouver Ukulele Circle in the year 2000. Today they have a mailing list of about 800 people.


There are many other Vancouver area groups that can be found at this link –


Check out the 3 minute video of their session on this web page –


Cross Pollination

When you get out and around to other ukulele groups, I felt there was a cross pollination. You will make some new friends, play some new songs, learn something new about the ukulele, and have a great time.

At the Mission group, we had various people from other areas visit us, and they ended up starting ukulele groups in Harrison Hot Springs, Maple Ridge, and Abbotsford.

There are a number of ukulele groups in the Fraser Valley, if you are travelling there. Wherever you are going, look for other ukulele groups to attend.

What Happened ?

For some reason the ukulele is making a come back, and many groups are starting up around not only the country, but dare I say, around the world.

I can guess there are many reasons, but for me, the socialization along with the enjoyment of playing the ukulele together are the top reasons.

A Life Of It’s Own

A few years into the Mission Ukulele Circle, the group took on a life of it’s own. Members were connecting with other members, and the coffee break time in the middle of our meeting, became as important ( maybe more important for some people ) as playing music.

It got to the point where I no longer knew the names of everyone attending, which was gratifying. I’m happy to report the group is still going strong.

Now I play the ukulele, and love to share the joy of making music on this simple instrument.

List Of Ukulele Groups Around Vancouver 

Carriage Lane Ukulele Circle
Complex Clubhouse , 32691 Garibaldi Drive, Abbotsford, 1PM to 3PM every Monday
contact: Patricia Cruz (leader/coordinator), Tel#: 778-982-0853, email: may988@yahoo.com

Century House
620 8th Street, New Westminster,
9:15 – noon, every Thursday,
purchase an annual membership for $17.00 (50+ age group).

Chilliwack Ukulele Circle
Sardis Seniors’ Activity Centre, 5725 Tyson Road, Sardis BC.
meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month
Orientation session for new Ukulele players beginning at 6:00pm, regular circle at 7:00pm.
Admission $2/Session.
We have a few club ukes on hand for loan.
More info: https://oapo173.netlify.app/ukulele.

Cloverdale Ukulele Circle
Room 202, Cloverdale Recreation Centre, 6188 176, Surrey,
10am – noon, every Tuesday.

Cutie Circle – Coquitlam Ukulele Tiny Instrument Enthusiast Circle
Currently all their sessions via ZOOM (Friday evenings).
Contact: events@cutiecircle.com.

Delta Ukulele Circle (formerly the White Rock ukulele circle)
North Delta Centre for the Arts, 11425 84th Avenue, Delta.
First Saturday of every month – 2 – 5:30 pm.
Leader: Gary Cyr.

Heritage Uke Club
Royal City Curling Club, New Westminster, 75 E Sixth Ave,
6:00 pm, every Monday.
Must have vaccine passport and wear a “singing mask.“

Kyle Centre
125 Kyle Street, Port Moody Recreation Centre
Every Wednesday, 2 – 3:30pm,
Drop in. $2 weekly.
Digital songlist sent out weekly.
Margaret, 604 461 1563, mjennings@telus.net
Andrea, 604 786 4678. andreahorse@shaw.ca

Maple Ridge Ukulele Circle
Fraser Room, Maple Ridge Public Library, 22470 Dewdney Trunk Rd, Maple Ridge,
Last Sunday of the month 2 – 4 pm.
Contact Sher, 604 290 5063, mapleridgeukulelecircle@gmail.com

Noon’s Creek
101 Noon’s Creek Drive, Port Moody
Every Wednesday, 1:30 – 3:30
Purchase an annual membership for $18.00 (50+ age group)
Tsawwassen Library Ukulele Circle
1321A – 56 Street, Delta
7 – 8:30 pm, 3rd Thursday of the month
with Leanna Daly.

Tsawwassen Seniors Uke Group
Kin Village Community Centre 5440 10 Ave, Delta BC
Monday, 1-2:30 PM

Vancouver Ukulele Circle
St. James Hall, 3214 W 10th Ave., Vancouver
Doors open at 6:30, singing starts at 7:30 til 10:00 pm, third Tuesday of the month
With Boaz and Craig, who are taking over for Ralph Shaw.