You’re The Change You Seek

Speak Well

As a young businessman, I needed to speak to people everyday, and occasionally do public speaking, I knew I needed to be able to speak well. To help me improve my public speaking I joined the Toastmasters public speaking group for a number of years.

It was a great experience attending weekly meetings, and working on delivering prepared and impromptu speeches, as well as taking and giving evaluations of those speeches. The program helped me develop some good speaking skills, which helped me in my sales career.

In 2007 or so, when Barack Obama was running for President, I was impressed with his speeches, the depth of his thinking, and how well he articulated his words.

And I was not the only one. After he was elected, I saw a news story that people around the world who wanted to learn the english language, would listen to him speak, in part because he spoke so well.

In my mind he was in a league of his own, with regard to being one of the best public speakers I had heard.

Inspirational Quotes

Not only did he speak well, but provided the world with many inspirational quotes that life on today.

If you google Obama quotes today, you will get a lot of sites that have his more famous quotes.

Here is a link to an article titled – 55 Quotes That Prove That President Barack Obama Is A Global Citizen, that I found interesting.

Noteworthy and Inspirational Phrases

As a songwriter I watch for and jot down noteworthy phrases that may or may not work well in songs. They sit in a computer file and when I get to writing song lyrics, I pull out the file, and see if some of these words can fit into some of the chord progressions that I am working on.

Obama talked about many topics including change, and this quote caught my attention –

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for . We are the change that we seek. “

Swing Jazz Chords

As I worked on a jazzy swing chord progression, I started going through my file of potential lyrics, trying to fit words to the chords.

When I came across this quote, I worked with it, changed and massaged it, and came up with, You’re the change you seek, as the main line of the chorus and the title of the song.

And I know Obama likes music, so I hope we might like my jazzy swing style song titled – You’re The Change You Seek.

The song is already on Spotify here.

Take a listen.