Reasons To Play Ukulele

14 Great Reasons To Play An Ukulele

You may not have noticed but the ukulele seems to becoming more popular the last number of years.

I want to give you my reasons to play an ukulele.

Play an Ukulele for More Happiness

Music has always been an important part of my life. Music can soothe or enhance our moods, whether they be happy, sad, reflective, or about love.

You can be a happy person without music in your life, but I’d suggest that music adds a lot of happiness to life.

If you want to more happiness to your life, play a ukulele.

Play An Ukulele For A New Hobby

Maybe your looking for a new hobby. Something that will allow you to use your time in a useful productive way.

That’s what happened to me. I saw the documentary The Mighty Uke ( for ukulele ) on TV. One point mentioned was that people are not intimidated by a ukulele. They look at it more like a toy. Being a musician, I was not intimidated by the ukulele but it looked like fun, so I purchased one.

If you want a new hobby, play a ukulele.

Play An Ukulele For Self Improvement

Maybe your looking to improve yourself in some way. We all have a natural desire to improve ourselves.

Taking up an instrument is one way to improve yourself that will bring satisfaction from learning to make music.

If you want more self improvement in your life, play a ukulele.

Play An Ukulele Becuase it is an Easy Instrument to Play

A ukulele has 4 strings, and we have 4 fingers, so that works out well. Having played or tried to play the – organ, piano, trumpet, and drums in my life, my experience is that once you have learned a handful of chords, you can play dozens of different songs with just those few chords.

If you want an easy instrument to play, play the ukulele.

Play An Ukulele If You Have a Desire to Make Music

I think we have all had the thought after seeing someone play an instrument – I would like to do that !

At age eleven, I saw Gene Krupa drum on the Ed Sullivan Show, and I decided I wanted to drum. And I did drum for fifty years. They provided a lot of enjoyment in that time.

Life gives us many opportunities for creating music or any other creative endeavour that you care to choose.

If you have ever had the desire to make music, fulfill that desire and play a ukulele.

Play An Ukulele To Become a Better Singer

Most ukulele players strum the chords and sing the melody. Some people feel that do not have a good singing voice. Like with anything we practise, the more we do it, the better we get at it.

Singing is no different. Your voice will find the notes in the chords, and you will produce enjoyable vocal music, singing along with your ukulele.

The ukulele is an excellent instrument to accompany your singing.

If you want to become a better singer, play a ukulele.

Play An Ukulele To Develop Your Musical Ear

Playing your ukulele and singing along each week improves your musical ear. As your musical ear improves, your playing and singing improve to.

If you want to develop your musical ear, play a ukulele.

Play An Ukulele To Bring People Together

How often have we been at a small gathering, where someone played an instrument. Maybe a piano, guitar, or ukulele. Often those attending will join in the singing or play other instruments. Music brings people together, and adds enjoyment to the event.

If you want to bring people together, play a ukulele.

Play An Ukulele Because it is Portability

I was attracted to the ukulele’s portability after being a drummer for a number of decades. With drums, I had to pack and unpack the drum kit, which was not a very portable instrument.

Unlike a piano, that will take up a good portion of your living room, your ukulele can fit in your closet.

The ukulele is small, fits in a case that can be carried with one hand or over the shoulder with a case.

If you want a portable instrument you can take anywhere, play a ukulele.

Play An Ukulele Because it is Inexpensive

I think – ukuleles are to musical instruments, what Volkswagens are to cars. Volkswagen were called the peoples’ car.

I think ukuleles are the People’s Instrument ! They are not expensive, so everyone can have one.

If you want an inexpensive instrument, buy a ukulele.

Play An Ukulele To Make New Friends

There seems to ukulele groups popping up in lots of towns and cities. I have started a lead a couple of them.

After I got my first ukulele, a friend told me there was a local ukulele group in town, and I joined. About fifty retired people showed up each week and played. What a blast !

Apart from making fun music together, I made a number of friends that bonded over the ukulele playing.

Leading the uke groups, I feel some members join for the social aspect of the group being able to meet and make new friends.

For some, I think making new friends may have been more important than playing the ukulele. It’s all good, you can never have too many friends !

If you want to make new friends, play in a local ukulele group.

Play An Ukulele To Improve Your Mood

A member of our ukulele circle said she always felt down in the winter time. But since she came to the ukulele circle, her mood that winter was improved. She felt the winter blues did not happen because of her ukulele playing. She seldom missed a ukulele meeting.

If you want to improve your mood, play a ukulele.

Play An Ukulele To Enjoy Healthy Benefits of Making Music Together

Studies suggest that making music with others has health benefits.

It is shown to exercise the brain, improve breathing, posture, and muscle tension. It suggests that participating in music can also relieve pain, due to the release of neurochemicals.

Singing together is shown to improve our sense of happiness and well being. We all want more of that !

If you want to stay healthy, play a ukulele.

Play An Ukulele To Improve The World

The world has is going through some tough times right now dealing with the covid crisis. It needs all the help it can get and we each can do our part to help.

If you want to improve the world in some small way, give our some good vibes, create some of your music and play a ukulele.

More Benefits

I’m sure you can think of more benefits you can derive from playing a ukulele.

I hope you find one that will make you put a ukulele in your hands.

Go get one, and start a new musical journey in your life enjoying the numerous benefits mentioned above.

Check out Richard’s Ukulele Tutorial page