Your Finest Musical Hour

The longer you play your instrument, in my case the ukulele, the more chances will come that there will be an important event to play and sing music at.

Stepping Up

My Aunt recently died. I had not seen her or my cousins for about 8 years. I found out about the memorial service and asked my cousins if they would like me to play ukulele and sing a couple of songs at the memorial service ? They said yes.

The service was in Alberta, so I had to drive there, but I knew it was an important family occasion and I needed to step up and play music at that event.

I played a couple of songs I thought were appropriate, that had about 100 people in attendance. I had a handful of compliments following the service, and felt gratified and happy that I contributed to the service, for someone in my family.

It was one of my Finest Musical Hours.

A Missed Musical Opportunity

Years ago when I had just started to play ukulele, a friend died. I was phoned by a mutual friend, and I said I would attend the service, but was too afraid to play music at his service, which my mutual friend hinted at.

That this was the last time that I turned down an opportunity to play music at an important event.

Step Up As An Ukulele Group

I can say that in the ukulele groups I have been in, have played at a wedding, and two memorial services for members and member’s spouse, that I have attended. Being in a group takes the pressure off playing by yourself, and if you feel you need support from other players, then ask a couple of members to join you, for that special event.

Think Ahead

If you have been playing for a year or more and developed some playing and singing skills through an ukulele group, you should think about any important events that may come to your life over the next handful of years.

Important Family Events

Are there children, grandchildren, nephews or nieces who are going to get married ? Will there be any important anniversaries to celebrate in the next few years ? Maybe important birthdays ? Family reunions or picnics. Most all family events will find live music as an excellent addition to the event.

You need to be thinking of when you may be called on, or volunteer to contribute your musical abilities to an important family event.

And there may be an unexpected event, such as a memorial service.

Musical Memories

I suspect you can think back to family events you have attended where there was a memorable music presentation, that helped make the event special.

Mentally put yourself in that position, of you performing for an event like that. If you are not ready for it, that’s OK, but keep in the back of your mind, as something to work towards.

Plan Ahead

Maybe you need to learn one of grandma’s favourite songs, to play at her 75th birthday. Being a good musician is to try to play music that your audience will enjoy. Knowing someone’s favourite song is a good thing to know and learn if that person is important to you.

Less Finest Hours

We know that learning to play the ukulele takes time to learn. Start by playing at a familiar family events like Christmas Carols at Christmas. Maybe start out singing some songs to your nieces and nephews or grandchildren when you visit. It could become a major activity in your family.

Like most things in life, practise makes perfect, so the more you can practise towards your Finest Musical Hour(s), the more ready and confident you will be.

Your Finest Musical Hour

Who knows, maybe next year, it may be your turn to contribute your musical abilities to a special family event.

It will be a fine and important hour for you when you contribute a song or two at a special family event. It will live on in the family’s memory for many years. I think you will remember it a long time too.