Thoughts On Life

Your Finest Musical Hour

The longer you play your instrument, in my case the ukulele, the more chances will come that there will be an important event to play

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2022 Year In Review

2022 Covid After almost two years of covid restrictions, wearing masks and staying distant, we had weathered the worst of the covid pandemic. We did

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Your Most Important Decision

I have spent time thinking about – What is the best career for me. I did not think of it as My Most Important Decision, but in retrospect I think it is.

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Ukrainian Family In Canada

Ukrainian Background I am of Ukrainian background. From my father’s side of the family, there are Polish and Ukrainian ancestors in the family. I took

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The Older I Got

The Older I Got – The Wiser Dad Seemed To Be This is my first original song release for 2022 ! This song is written

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- From Where I Sit - Blog

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Creating Music From The Heart