Original Songs for 2024

In 2024, I thought I would scale back my original song releases from one song per month to one song every two months. That will be six original songs for the year, and as I have done in previous years, I will put them out as an album or EP ( extended play ) in December.

February 2024 Original Song Release

I will turn 70 later this month, and it was late in the 2023 that I thought of the title – 69 Trips Around The Sun ! I thought it was catchy, and wrote a song about it.

The lyrics talk about the major world events that have happened in my life. Events like Woodstock, the disco era, Y2K concerns, and 9/11. Read my blog post on it here.

Drawings By Dall-E

I did my first split screen video with this song. I’m playing the song on the left side of the screen and cartoon drawings generated by Dall-E on the right. The drawings are about the world events the lyrics talk about. Watch the video here.

In order to use the Dall-E program, you need to pay a monthly subscription to ChatGPT.com, of around $23 U$ or $32 C$ per month. I tried it out for a month.

You can also use the free ChatGPT.com account, and have it provide all kinds of writing results, if you give it a prompt. If you have not tried ChatGPT, give it a go.

Try a Pluck and Strum Combination

as shown on my latest YouTube #shorts.

It is the unique strum I used in the song – 69 Trips Around The Sun.

It is a combination of a plucking of two strings, done twice, followed by a two quick strums. Check it out here.

This kind of pluck and strum could be used in any song if the rhythm fits. Give it a try.

A friend of mine, Greg Dixon did an  video interview with me, for his website – Merritt Stories.ca .

I thought it turned out well. He managed to get me to tell a chunk of my life story in half an hour !

Watch it here.

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