The Thoughts On Life BlogFrom Where I Sit, are Richard’s written thoughts, looking at life from a retired point of view. He talks about how things have changed, both for the good and bad, since he was a younger man and how he sees things going forward in the future.  Topics include music, songwriting, finance, technology,  and as the title says, thoughts on life.  

Recent Blog Posts

Storytelling Through Music

Storytelling Through Music This article appeared in the Merritt Herald on Jan.4/24 Laisa Conde – REPORTER@MERRITTHERALD.COM In a musical landscape dominated by love ballads and

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Mission Ukulele – Videos

The videos below are from Richard’s  time leading the group from 2013 to 2019. Original SongsUkulele InspirationsUkulele TutorialsThoughts On Life Blog Previous slide

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Your Finest Musical Hour

The longer you play your instrument, in my case the ukulele, the more chances will come that there will be an important event to play

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What’s My Genre ?

I have been a musician since I was thirteen years old. I was a typical teenager growing up in central Canada, listening to the radio

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Thoughts On Life Blog

Thoughts On Life

- From Where I Sit - Blog

Richard writes periodic blog posts from his thoughts, and whatever is on his mind.  

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Ukulele Inspirations
Ukulele Tutorials
Thoughts On Life Blog
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Creating Music From The Heart